How To Make Pervious Concrete?Where We Use It And Why?

Pervious concrete is durable strong and water can flow right through it.This Guide will show you how to make it?

Regular concrete uses rock and sand mixed with cement to form a hard and durable material pervious concrete omits the sand creating voids that water can pass through large

Follow These Steps To Make Pervious Concrete

  1. Pervious concrete require special mix designs and equipment but it can be simple.if pervious concrete is not available as a packaged product in your area you can make a basic mix yourself with three parts Rock one part cement powder and just enough water to hydrate the cement.
  2. Almost any rock will do,round and angular rocks are both okay. To use smaller rocks provide a smoother more aesthetically pleasing surface. Though the smaller the rock is the cleaner,more angular and are uniform in size.
  3. It needs to maintain permeability we’ve developed a product called perc top that gives both a smooth and permeable concrete surface but we will use for our rock 3/8 inch pee gravel you can find it at your local rockery or landscape supply store.
  4. if the rock is wet it will require a little less water than if it is fully dried.
  5. we have our ingredients measured out three gallons of dry pea gravel,one gallon of loose unpacked cement powder and one quart of water.
  6. Finding the correct amount of water to add is the trickiest part of making pervious concrete.If you add too much water your concrete could end up impermeable.If you add too little some rock could come loose from the surface of the concrete.
  7. Once it has set if you choose to use a different Rock as an aggregate you will likely need more or less water than we are using here
  8. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a few tries to get the right consistency make sure to document the amount of water you add.This will allow you to make further batches without having to test the consistency every time and because the correct amount of water needed lies within a very narrow range.
  9. We recommend mixing in the shade in the morning or on a cloudy day to keep the mix temperature cool.This will minimize evaporation that can occur before you have a chance to place and finish the concrete.
  10. Ideal temperatures are above freezing but below 80 degrees Fahrenheit it’s important to keep your ingredients in the shade out of the hot Sun
  11. Make sure your water isn’t too warm like water that has been sitting in a hose on a hot day
  12. when mixing the concrete you’ll be working with cement so take the necessary precautions to mix your concrete add the rock and cement to a mixing tray then add the water.
  13. if this is your first time making the mix start with less water than you think you need then add a little at a time until you achieve the correct consistency again.
  14. Make sure to keep track of how much water you use if you want to make further batches as you’re mixing scrape the edges and base of the tray to ensure you get every bit of cement in every drop of water mixed in after the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  15. Squeeze a handful of the pervious concrete into a ball,the ball should hold together and the cement paste should have a shine to it this is the correct amount of water in the mix.You’ll see that a lot of the paste will stick to your gloves the pervious concrete will be workable and we’ll set up strong and permeable this mix doesn’t have enough water in it the paste appears dull and the ball crumbles very little paste will stick to your gloves as well to fix this mix in a small amount of water and do the test again.
  16. If mix has too much water it appears wet and your gloves get almost completely covered in paste too much water thins the paste and the concrete feels loose and slimy
  17. To fix this mix in more aggregates and cement here you can see how watery paste drains away from the rock and onto your gloves.
  18. In a good mix with the correct amount of water the paste will stick to itself more and doesn’t come off on your gloves as much here the three examples side-by-side not enough water is on the left too much is on the right and the correct amount is in the middle.
  19. Once you have achieved a good water to cement ratio for your pervious concrete,you can make a larger batch to pour a path a solid base for a flagstone patio or even an entire driveway.
  20. Now that you know how to make it check out our website on placing and finishing pervious concrete at pervious products we work exclusively with pervious concrete we develop special mixed designs for a wide variety of applications check out our website for more information and examples of the many things that can be done with pervious concrete.

Where And Why We Use Pervious Concrete?

Pervious Concrete Is Used For

  • Parking Area
  • Area with light traffic
  • Pedestrian Walkways
  • Green Houses
  • Swimming Pool Decks
  • Tennis Courts

We use pervious concrete because water doesn’t run off and ground water gets recharged.So it adds a balance to our environment.

pervious concrete